
Sierra Hofstatter
Sierra first began practicing yoga in 2012 as a young and competitive athlete in her hometown, Santa Barbara, CA. Dealing with a myriad of “undiagnosable” health issues as well as chronic depression at age 18, yoga was one of the few things that truly aided in her self-healing journey. She learned through her practice that true thriving and health is achieved through an integrated and deeply accepting relationship between mind, body, spirit, and emotion. Her philosophy soon became: learn to embody and embrace EVERY aspect of this human experience with unwavering compassion.
Sierra’s passion for healing herself and helping others catapulted her into many years of study in this field. While living part time in California and part time in Boston, she became a certified level 3 trainer in Resistance Flexibility Strength Training, obtained a Holistic Health Coaching certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and completed her first YTT, a 200-hour training, specializing in vinyasa, biomechanics and alignment. She found Colorado in 2016 and fell in love as she began her time at Naropa University in Boulder, CO studying cognitive psychology, visual art, and yoga. Here, she completed Naropa’s 1000-Hour YTT, specializing in Hatha, meditation, pranayama, and the history of yoga. Sierra is also a working artist, having sold handmade pottery and paintings for years.
Having recently landed in Grand Junction, Sierra is excited to be a part of the community. Aside from yoga and healing arts, she also enjoys rock climbing, backpacking, snowboarding, dancing, creating art, cooking, laughing, and dreaming up ways to create a more sustainable future.